Established in 2009

Call Us: (512) 287-5050

Dedicated to Your Future Success

Learning today... Leading Tomorrow

Public College Preparatory Schools in Austin, TX

Receive the quality, comprehensive educational support every student deserves to achieve academic success from Valere Public Schools (VPS). Formerly known as Promesa Public Schools, VPS is a family of free, public, college preparatory schools in Austin, TX, for Pre-K to 12th graders committed to supporting students and their families through college graduation.

Promesa Public Schools es una familia de escuelas públicas, gratuitas, de preparación para la universidad, para estudiantes de Pre-k-12th grado que se comprometen a apoyar a estudiantes y familias hasta la graduación universitaria.

Orchestra Band

We Offer:

Free Education

Free Transportation

Free Afterschool Care

Student and Family Support

More About Our School


School Board Members:

George Cantu

James Farfaglia 

Cris Garcia

School Superintendent/CEO:

Dr. Salvador Cavazos 

School Board Meetings

Unless otherwise specified, all board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month during the academic year. These meetings are open to the public, and everyone is welcome to attend. The meeting location will be announced when the board agenda is posted.

View our Public Comment Guidelines for more information.


The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) III, established under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021, provides approximately $122 billion to states and school districts. Its purpose is to support the safe reopening and sustained operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on students nationwide. 

Our college preparatory school has taken proactive measures by applying for a grant under this fund. Contact VPS today to learn more about our efforts in identifying the needs of our students and school community.

Click on the Boardbook button to see when the next meeting is scheduled and to access current agendas.

Ensure your child receives a quality education.

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